Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What i mean

My mother was in the living room past out on the couch not even knowing what’s going on. My father working so hard to try and make a life for his kids that loves him too much to watch him fall to the ground and burn.

Me and my brother getting beat every day just trying to protect each other.Wow if you don’t call that love then I don’t know what it is, It was probably beat out of me for just saying the truth well sorry to say but the truth hurt so does the pain, The pain never goes away.

This is what’s real today a mother beating her child just for saying “mommy what’s going on today, you're not the same as the other day.” The mother get so mad for no reason smacks that poor little child in the face then said sorry. Welp just sayin’ sorry can’t fix every hit you thrown or lie you told.

(Just saying it's true but it didn't happen to me)


  1. This is very sad but it is how life is sometimes sadly.

  2. this is really deep! i totally like this! goodjob Erin!

  3. gooooooooooooooooooooooooood job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Peoms like these make me sad . It was really good though, I hate people who beat their children . D:

  5. @luz
    ikr me 2..
    @every one
    Thank you..
