Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Tell Tell Heart The old mans ghost side.

Hello i am the old mans ghost and i'm going to tell you how my side of the story works out.

I never hurt the man. My eye as people would call it the vulture eye. The guy was so nice nice but as it hit night I would get creep-out  because as it hit 12 o'clock he would come in oh so slowly to watch me sleep. To watch the eye, the vulture eye. The man did this for seven long nights to watch the eye. The eye is what vexed him not me. Then every morning he would come into the chamber and as me how my night passed by.  I would have been a very profounded man.The eighth night i was suddenly awakened by a noise I heard. I tried to clam my  by saying "It's nothing but the wind in the chimney or it's a mouse crawling across the floor or it's a cricket which made a single chirp. I never lied back down though I stayed awake sitting the on my bed. The vulture eye was opened. A single light hit the eye and he yelled and jumped at me. All i could do was have a single shriek before He pulled the bed over me and suddenly as I was their my heart was making a muffling beating sound. He put his hand on my heart and said "stone cold dead". He cut me up and placed me under the floor broads. The cops searched but he hid me to well. He could hear my dead heart beating. He freaks out the yells "HERE!HERE! Here is that hideous heart!"
Tell Tell heart

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Hunger Games Reasearch Project

The meaning of a relationship is your together with someone. When you have a connection. You really like someone and you can't see you with out them. Like Peeta can't live with out Katniss. The meaning of love/relationship is that your with someone you care about a lot about or you would take a bullet for them or you would die for them. Like Katniss in "The Hunger Games" and would take a bullet for Peeta.

Katniss Everdeen also known as the girl on fire. Katniss is a teenage girl living in Panem, District 12. She goes into "The Hunger Games" for her little sister Primrose Everdeen(also known as Prim). That was a heroic self-sacrifice that she did for her little sister. Katniss did all the hunting,cooking,and cleaning after her dad died because her mother wasn't very stable.

Peeta Mellark also known as lover boy. Peeta helped Katniss when they were little by giving her bread after her father died. Ever since then he's been in love with her. Then he was picked as a boy tribute. Peeta didn'y want to kill her because he was in love with her.

Peeta and Katniss has what we call a healthy relationship. THey have Mutual Respect,Honesty,Support,Fairness,Separate Identities(as in they arent like eachother in every way),and they have Good Communication. Like Peeta has alot of respect for Katniss because hs listens to her.Like in one of the chapters Katniss teaches Peeta a song to sing to the humming birds to make sure their ok.

Gale Hawthorne is Katniss hunting partern.They go out into the woods together and hunt.He thinks about running away with her and living together.I think he's in love with her just like Peeta is.Their dads were in  the same expolision. So there for before they even ever met they had things in commen.Gale picks with Katniss about her name because the first they met she said her name so low he thought she said Catnip.Katniss and Gale has the same Kind of relationship as her and Peeta and they both love her and she loves them.

Katniss and Cato has an unhealthy relationship becuase they want to kill eachother.They have no respect for eachother. They don't support eachother They just don't care if the other one die's and thats what you call an unhealthy relationship.

The book makesit seem like Peeta and Katniss are together and that thier in love and will be forever. But when Katniss had all the kissy,kissy sceens I bet Gale was mad because the book makes it seem like their in love and Katniss should go out with him.But you should comment and tell me how the book was and this report thanks..

Collins, Suzanne. "Peeta Mellark in The Hunger Games." Shmoop: Homework Help, Teacher Resources, Test Prep. Suzanne Collins, 2008. Web. 07 Dec. 2011.
Lcc. "Relationship | Define Relationship at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Lcc, 2011. Web. 07 Dec. 2011.
 Lyness, D'Arcy. "Am I in a Healthy Relationship?" KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health. D'Arcy Lyness PhD, Nov. 2010. Web. 06 Dec. 2011.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Hey it's backwards but its done haha :)


My New Bestfriend

I'm going to tell you how i met my new bestfriend. Her name is Diana. She is still my bestfriend and I hope so forever.

It was the 6th grade on the bus. I was bored and had no one to talk to. I randomly said "Hi" to this girl I didnt even know.

She waved back with an ackward look on her face. The next day came and I seen her in the hall. I waved "Hi" once more. Well that afternoon on the bus she asked me "Do you want to sit with me?" I sat down and we started talking a random conversation.

I don't remember what it was about but soon after we were like sisters. We started hanging out more. Well the school year ended and me and her was very sad.

I made alot of new friends that year but none like her. Like she was aways there. If I started crying she would be the first one there saying "Who do I needa hurt?"

She was sweet like a freashly pick apple, her eyes were as green as the grass on the ground, her skin was like a carmel color kinda anyway.

Well that summer we didn't get to hang out that much because the only time we did is when I went to work with my mom. . I mainly hung out with my other friend Elizbeth. The summer passed and Diana was in my classes.

We non-stopped talked. We were finally in middle school. This is the year we met our friend Skylar. Skylar was like a good book youwould read before bed. It had it's good and bad moments in it but you loved it no matter what it was like.

We were a click. All the same classes and we sat near eachother until we were moved for talking so much. We talked about everything! To boys we liked, girls we wanted to fight, teachers, family, so on so forth. Well the school year ended and we were sad like a weaping willow.

Over the summer me and Diana hung out while i texted Skylar. Then we all went to chruch and one by one we all started crying.

We all had alot going on at the time so we were all there for eachother.

Time went on and school came back agian and we were in the 8th grade one year away from high school. Well me and Diana spent the night together and we had went to the fair. I got into trouble because I didn't tell my dad.

Well within the first month me and skylar had this huge fight. It was to the point to were we were about to fight but we finally made up and were friends agian and we made a new friend. Our new friend was Kaitlyn. Shes fun to be aroud.

Shes a blond and funny shes like a puppy or a kitten. We all hang out in the hall until it's about time for the bell. Then we head off to class.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Hunger Games

      Ok the games have gotten so much better because Katniss and Peeta kiss and it was suppost to happen ahahahaha.But like Haymitch sent like a feast to Katniss and Peeta because they were showing true feelings and it was really sweet.I still think Katniss and Peeta are going to win even though they'er "Lovers."I mean do you think they are or like what do you think?

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Hunger Games Summary So Far....

I think its really good so far.Even Mrs.Wrights class up the hall is reading it now.I wounder if there thinking the same thing we are whats going to happen,Who's going to win?All these questions and no one knows until they finish..Hm lets see what happen so far in the games.Peeta kept Katniss from running to the cornucopia,Katniss dropped a tracker jacker ness on the Careers and Peeta,Katniss and Rue teamed up,Rue died and Katniss had her first kill,the Gamemakers changed the rules to were if your in the same District you both can win,Katniss found Peeta and they teamed up,Katniss gave Peeta some sleeping medicine so she can get the medicine for his leg so she can stop the blood poisoning stop from reaching his heart. Thats about all we read so far so comment on my post and tell me what you think "What do you think happens to Katniss and Peeta,Do you think Katniss dies,Do you think peeta will forgive her,Who do you think will when?"

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Hunger Games

Ok this is getting good because peeta just ate some soup that katniss made and it had like this sleeping medicine in it and peeta eats it and is going to bed but katniss is going to go and get the backpack for her and peeta becasue she is hopeing that it has medicine to help heal peetas leg..Because remember he got cut by cato so his leg is bad..Katniss also tells peeta a storie about how she got prims goat..

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Hunger Games

Rue just died and poor Katniss was right there when it went down I could never do that it would be to painful for me to see.Then the rules changed..I knew that was comming i could just feel it like for real.I think peeta and katniss are going to win because I dont think peetas dead...

The Hunger Games

Rue just died and poor Katniss was right there when it went down I could never do that it would be to painful for me to see.Then the rules changed..I knew that was comming i could just feel it like for real.I think peeta and katniss are going to win because I dont think peetas dead...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What I think about the hunger games so far..

I think Katniss can stay alive because she has gotten this far. Well after the crareers found her she made a dash for it and they followed her then she climbed up the tree.So I thought the crareers were kind of stupid there because Katniss can climb trees really fast and its so easy for her but they can't. So I thought they were kind of dumb when they tried to climb up after her..

Friday, October 14, 2011


The best strategy for The Hunger Games is to go away from the group. Try to find water because everyone is going to try to go to the cornucopia to try and get weapons so there will be a blood bath there. So if Peeta and Katniss go and find water there is a better chance of winning. So I think that is the best strategy for them(Peeta and Katniss).

Friday, September 30, 2011

What is beauty?

Beauty is colorful,sweet,loving,not bitter,or cold,It's not darkness or gray it's light,bright,lovely to see every day. Beauty in a person is how they act but not how they look.Take an ugly person you know.Their not ugly though there beautiful, because of how they act and because of their attitude. Take a really pretty girl that has the meanest and nastness attitude. Well they don't have beauty the have clod mean and ugly in their heart. That is what I think beauty is.